baby growth

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Centrelink: Friend or Foe?

Thursday 05.02.09

Now for those that done know what or who Centrelink is.... "Centrelink is a government agency delivering a range of Commonwealth services to the Australian community. If you need financial support in the form of a pension, benefit or allowance". And for those that still have no idea what that means, it's the government's way of supporting low income families, families with disbilities and single parent families.

Now as awesome as the concept of "Centrelink" is great, the amount of running around they make you do is just shocking. I was told that i'd need to sign and hand back in some forms with details of me and James separating and the details of a couple friends that could verify the split etc and that i wouldn't need an appointment time made, i could just walk in and get one. So that's what happened..... tho i had to wait 1hr 45mins just for someone to call my name and go through my signed form. You got to be kidding me right!! Tho the appt only took about 30mins to finalise and get approved for my single parent payment, i was in that Centrelink office for over 2hrs. Something that should've taken 45mins max!

So finally, everything is sorted. I'm getting the right amount of payments for being a single parent (rather than a partnered parent, as i was). Now i just need to focus on moving. I'm not so stressed about that, YET! I'm sure moving towns isn't gonna be a piece of cake, but i have me some awesome friends that i know will make the move as awesome as possible! I can't wait to see what possibilities the move to a new place may bring....

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