I had another antenatal appt earlier this week which was pretty much the same as it usually is. Measured my stomach, heard bubs heartbeat etc. My blood pressure is consistently rising, so the midwife wants to keep an eye on that. Appointments are now every 2wks (tho they weren't meant to start being that frequent for another 3wks yet), so i go back on July 21st for another checkup. Other than that, not much has changed - no swelling in my hands or feet, headaches has pretty much gone, no longer feeling sick, etc. I've had a few days this week where i have nearly passed out in town, which is totally frightening, but after a nice long sit down on the closest chair - i'm ok to get up and quickly get home. How embarrassing if u were to pass out in town - shame!
X is now head down - which explains the funny movements i felt last week when i guessed he was flipping around. He's got a few favourite moves he does over and over again that consist of headbutting my bladder and poking his butt out the top of my belly while kicking the other side at the same time. I feel HUGE and all this poking and stretching he's doing, only makes my belly hurt more as the skin stretches. It feels a whole lot better once i've put cream on my tummy - if only i could swim in the stuff lol.
I'm getting so impatient wanting to move - tho money is tight and im trying my best to save for a house. Only have to finish paying off X's carseat and i'm pretty much all set when it comes to buying baby things. I'd hate to add up all the money i've spent so far - but he's gonna be more than worth it. Serena (my best friend in Brisbane), is starting to plan my baby shower for next month (mid-August)..... i'm sure it'll be great and i can't wait for her to come stay for a few days. A nice kiddy-free weekend for her too which i'm sure she'll make the most of :)
So until my next appt in a bit over a week..... Here's a new belly pic taken this week, when i get time i'll make a slideshow of my 'bump' progress over the last 6mths :) xxx

Love the updated belly pic!!